“On our way back to IL from ATL we listened to 90%. I saw Will pull out his phone and start taking notes. He then began to hit the pause button to finish his note as not to miss anything that was to come. I asked him what were some things that he got from his first run with this book. He said the “Little Man”, the “Stop Sign”, “Breathe”, and “Anchor Statements; specifically the Boat & Anchor analogy”. Mr. Tewks is doing incredible work and I saw it with my son Will. It has been the single best development piece of Will’s 14U season.”
“Tewks talked about different things as far as the mental side of the game, and building that relationship with him I had a trust where I could go and bounce things off of him. He’s a no BS guy. I knew he wouldn’t pussyfoot around with me. I knew if I asked him a question, he would give me an honest answer, both on the pitching side and on the mental side. I knew I would get that from him.”
– Jon Lester, MLB Pitcher
“He tells you what he sees, and he calls you out on things. He makes you better as a player as you go along. The biggest thing I’ve found is that if a player continues to seek advice, seek help, there are people who can help that player get the most out of his potential on the baseball field.”
- Rich Hill, MLB Pitcher
“I’ve worked with other people, but the stuff we put in place in Boston is what I’m still using today,” Miller says. “It’s a very important part of my success, or turnaround. It’s something I take very seriously and I think it’s had a big impact on my pitching.”
- Andrew Miller- MLB Pitcher
“Having worked with Tewks as a player as well as a coach, I’ve been lucky enough to see firsthand how much he can impact individuals and teams. He has been invaluable to me personally throughout my career, as well as our baseball team at Boston College.”
- Mike Gambino Head Coach Boston College Baseball
Inviting Bob to Novo Nordisk to share his unique perspective on building and utilizing mental skills to deal with failure, pressure, negativity and anxiety was a great fit for our group. His techniques and skills are applicable in any field or walk of life for which my group is better for after spending a day with Bob. I highly recommend Bob if you are looking for a presenter to inspire and teach your group.
– Justin Huard- Discovery Research Scientist
4 Keys for Pitching Success
The start of spring training signifies the beginning of a new baseball season is upon us. Pitchers and catchers of all ages, and levels, are starting to “dust off the cobwebs” so to speak, from months of not competing.
The Creation of Barney Google
If there was ever a group of American soldiers who would seem fated to suffer lifelong post-traumatic stress, it was the band of 566 Vietnam veterans who endured brutal mental and physical torment during the Vietnam War in the late 60’s and early 70’s.
Power & Predictability, Part 2
As we turn the attention towards the field, there are a couple of focuses that can be applied to pitching…
Power & Predictability, Part 1
In the summer of 1940, one year after the United Kingdom officially entered WWII, German commanders hatched a plot to break the will of the British people. The plan was strategic and simple; every night for 57 consecutive evenings, hundreds of Nazi planes would shower their bombs over London with ultimate goal of a British surrender. While the Nazi bombing ruined the city of London, their plan did nothing to impact the psyche of the people living there. How could this be?
The Power of Language
There is a Japanese proverb which says the tongue is 3 inches long, but can take down a man 6 feet tall. Our words, spoken and unspoken, are incredibly powerful. One of my pet peeves when it comes to the language pitchers use is how they respond to the question, “when are you pitching”? The majority of pitchers at any level, will respond by saying, “I am throwing” tomorrow. It drives me crazy.